Erasmus+ organisations announce their new SIAC project to combat cyberbullying
On January 14th 2021, the UK based NGO, RJ4All International Institute met its European partners for its new EU funded project Safe Internet Against Cyberbullying (SIAC).
There are 5 project partners, including: RJ4ALL: Restorative Justice for All (UK) who are the project coordinators; Kairos Europe Ltd (UK), EURO SUD (Italy), INERCIA DIGITAL SL (Spain), and VisMedNet Association (Malta). The project will run for 24 months from 01 December 2020.
Cyberbullying of vulnerable young people is a reality and an increasing concern among all Erasmus+ countries. The recent events and heavy reliance on the internet caused by the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the need for an urgent response that will enable both young people and youth workers to better deal with cyberbullying. At this critical point in time, the RJ4All International Institute brought together a strategic partnership from four Erasmus+ countries to address multiple Sectorial and Horizontal programme priorities.
The project will exchange its results at national and European levels, helping in this way to achieve the objectives of the new EU Youth Strategy and the Erasmus+ Inclusion and Diversity Strategy in the field of youth. In particular: promoting quality, innovation and recognition of youth work; supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences; and innovative practices in a digital era.
The project aims to understand the extent, seriousness, and dynamics of cyberbullying, to learn about new effective strategies for controlling bullying, and to raise awareness among the youngest regarding the problems that emerge from a wrong use of the internet, such as social media.
The project will deliver three main outputs:
1. A training curriculum for youth workers and young people on how to preventing Cyberbullying
2. An accredited e-course for cyberbullying prevention for young people
3. An eBook consolidating the learning from the project and including policy recommendations.
“We strongly believe that this project is more timely than ever, with so many children and young adults learning and living online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At RJ4All, we believe that through power sharing and non-hierarchical dialogue we can progress matters that have traditionally been treated through top down “solutions”, which are often distant from peoples’ realities. We look forward to working with our new partners on this exciting and important project”. – Dr Theo Gavrielides, RJ4All’s Founder and Director
To learn more about the SIAC project, please see our website, Or follow our social media pages: Facebook; Twitter; and Instagram.